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by Jessica Volbrecht COO at GrowthMentor

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Solopreneur: Who Are They?

Ever met someone who’s a one-person army in their business? That’s a solopreneur for you. They’re the boss, the employee, the marketer, the accountant, and sometimes even the coffee runner, all rolled into one. Unlike entrepreneurs who might delegate tasks to a team, solopreneurs prefer to run the show solo, from start to finish.

Why Go the Solopreneur Route?

  1. Total Control: No board meetings or group decisions. Every call is yours, and so is every win (and hiccup).
  2. Flexibility: Work in your PJs, start at noon, take a day off for a Netflix binge – it’s all on your terms.
  3. Lean Business Model: With fewer overheads and no salaries to pay, many solopreneurs find it quicker to become profitable.
  4. Personal Touch: Solopreneurs often have a unique voice and style, making their businesses stand out in the crowd.
  1. Time Management: With no one to delegate to, organizing your hours efficiently is key. Prioritize tasks and consider time-block scheduling.
  2. Network, Network, Network: Just because you’re solo doesn’t mean you have to be isolated. Connect with peers, join communities, and keep the conversation going.
  3. Use Tech: From invoicing apps to social media schedulers, technology can be your silent (and efficient) partner.
  4. Self-Care Matters: It’s easy to burn out when you’re wearing all the hats. Schedule regular breaks and know when to switch off.

The Upsides of Being a Solopreneur

  1. Quick Decisions: No need for endless email chains or team meetings. Spot an opportunity? You can pivot instantly.
  2. Personal Growth: Being a jack of all trades pushes you to learn and grow at an accelerated pace.
  3. Direct Customer Interaction: Solopreneurs often build strong, genuine relationships with their customers, leading to loyalty and word-of-mouth marketing.

Potential Challenges

  1. It Can Get Lonely: Without colleagues, the journey can sometimes feel a bit isolated.
  2. Wearing Too Many Hats: Juggling different roles can be overwhelming, especially during busy periods.
  3. Risk Factor: With no team to share the load, setbacks can hit harder. But remember, setbacks pave the path for comebacks!

Inspiring Bit

Many of today’s popular blogs, YouTube channels, and artisanal brands started with a solopreneur behind the scenes. Their personal touch, authenticity, and passion shine through in what they offer.

In a Nutshell

Being a solo-founder is like being a one-person band: it’s challenging, but the tunes you play have a unique rhythm and melody. It’s a journey of self-discovery, resilience, and immense satisfaction. Whether it’s a side hustle or a full-time gig, going solo can be one rewarding ride.

Suggested mentors to help you make sense of Solopreneur

Samet Durgun

Mobile Marketing Strategist

Everything you learned about mobile marketing, throw them out of the window. I’m gonna tell you the real deal. 💡 With a decade of experience in app marketing and 🎨 creative strategy, you’re at the right place for the wildest growth ideas.

Dave Schneider

Growth Marketing Specialist

I launched, a marketing software app in 2014 and bootstrapped it to over 500 customers and a 7 figure exit in 2018. I run, an SEO agency which also does 7 figures in annual revenue as well as, an employee engagement app, which is newly launched.

Kosta Panagoulias

Co-founder of Web4Realty

Bootstrapped a SaaS company out of my parents basement with no money or tech knowledge, into +7-figures in ARR. I currently manage a remote team of 20+ people in eight countries around the globe.

Parikshit Joshi

Head of Growth

I’m a growth marketer. I love data (Kaggle competition winner!) and I love growth. I’m currently leading growth at Text Blaze. In past, scaled organic, paid, email, and other marketing channels (each) to millions of users.

Also an expert in:

Foti Panagiotakopoulos

Founder at GrowthMentor

As VP of Growth at EuroVPS, I had to make a LOT of decisions, daily. This got exhausting, especially if I had multiple good ideas on how to do something, but wasn’t sure which to choose. Moments like these inspired me to build GrowthMentor. Does this resonate? If so, I’d love to try and help you.

Joran Hofman

SaaS Bootstrapper, Ex Head of CS

Background in Sales & Marketing moved his way up to Head of CS in a SaaS Startup and now bootstrapping his own. Strength is to build a business/product clients keep paying for and avoiding churn.

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