Customer stories Archive - GrowthMentor Thu, 21 Mar 2024 10:36:11 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Customer stories Archive - GrowthMentor 32 32 Anastasia Rubleva Thu, 21 Mar 2024 10:07:08 +0000 "In my everyday work I run various marketing and sales experiments. Whenever I need a feedback — I know where to ask for it."

The post Anastasia Rubleva appeared first on GrowthMentor.

Tell us something about yourself and what you are currently working on.

I am a Head of Growth in a no-code agency, mainly focusing on lead generation and testing new channels, and developing growth initiatives.

I lead a team of growth specialists and designers, and I am responsible for developing and implementing sales and partnership strategies, finding new lead generation channels, A/B testing, managing new growth initiatives, and introducing AI tools into sales processes. I am passionate about no-code and low-code technologies, and I enjoy working with a diverse and talented team.

Before you learned about GrowthMentor, how did you deal with the challenges you faced?

Before I was introduced to GrowthMentor by my mentor Olha Yohansen-Veselova, I was mainly googling my answers, and I enjoyed browsing YouTube where people explain things in a fun and interactive way.

What ultimately compelled you to sign up for GrowthMentor?

I was introduced to the platform while I was looking for a mentor. I surfed through LinkedIn and booked a call with Olha Yohansen-Veselova. She shared the platform with me and I proposed to have sessions there. After I had my first session with her on GM I discovered that if I upgraded my plan then I could talk with many other mentors. I see great value in people’s experiences, so I upgraded my plan and now I’m actively using the platform for any questions or feedback I need. Mentors helped me clarify and structure my approaches. Before it was hard to build a proper plan but now I can just book a session and discuss my vision with someone really knowledgeable.

What’s your favorite thing about GrowthMentor?

I love the Help Requests section and often use it. I love the ability to receive valuable feedback from mentors who have been in the industry for decades. Also, calling mentors is a great opportunity for networking and growing your LinkedIn connections 🙂

What topics have you mostly discussed with mentors?

Mindset coaching, leadership skills, and marketing.

Is there a specific session/mentor that stands out in your mind as super helpful?

I love working with Olha Yohansen-Veselova, as she introduced me to the platform. Later she shared other cool mentors that I can speak with about my leadership skills and marketing. She helps me develop career strategies, and mindset growth and often shares her experiences when she was in a similar position. Her insights are invaluable to me!

Based on the things you’ve discussed in calls, do you have any results to tell us about?

I listen and read the literature I was recommended and I like discussing it later with my mentors. Not only theory: I get a lot of valuable feedback on my current practices and what could be improved. Some improvements were already implemented on my company’s website. I can see how confident I get with the help of feedback and networking on GM.

How has GrowthMentor helped you?

It helped me greatly with networking, and getting feedback from mentors who have specialized in my questions for many years, which was really valuable.

What three adjectives would you use to describe GrowthMentor?

Easy to use, Valuable, and Helpful.

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Robert Brandl Fri, 15 Mar 2024 14:22:09 +0000 "After my very first session I appointed a manager and never looked back."

The post Robert Brandl appeared first on GrowthMentor.

Tell us something about yourself and what you are currently working on.

I’ve been running EmailTooltester for 12 years now, which I grew to 10 employees working out of the city I love Barcelona.

EmailTooltester provides reviews and tutorials for small business email marketing services. We help beginners get started and more advanced users to get their email marketing to the next level. Our email deliverability tests have become widely known in the industry, and we have 40k+ visitors to our website every month.

Before you learned about GrowthMentor, how did you deal with the challenges you faced?

I often relied on friends or private forums for advice, but it was typically a hit-or-miss situation. Friends didn’t always possess the necessary expertise, and forums could be unreliable, as people often shared their opinions without fully grasping the challenge.

What ultimately compelled you to sign up for GrowthMentor?

I faced a big challenge in how my company was run. I was in charge of all the employees, but I needed to make a change. So, I decided to appoint a manager to help manage things better.

What’s your favorite thing about GrowthMentor?

This place is really great and friendly. Everyone here wants to help out, and they often do it without any financial reward. I also really like the technology behind this platform; it works super well and makes everything easy to use. It’s nice to see how well people get along and how smoothly the tech runs, making this a great spot to be part of.

What topics have you mostly discussed with mentors?

We’ve mainly talked about how to manage things, paid marketing, and how to make a brand stand out.

My very first talk was with Agata. She was super helpful with my problems in managing stuff. I’m really thankful for her help. She gave me good advice that made things easier for me, and now I feel better about handling management tasks.

Based on the things you’ve discussed in calls, do you have any results to tell us about?

I decided to pick a manager to handle some of the tasks I was doing, which ended up giving me much more free time than I had before. This was a huge relief for me because it tackled a big issue I was facing at work. Not only did it help me, but it also made a positive impact on my team. The employees seem to be a lot more content and upbeat with this change in how we’re organized. This new arrangement has really improved the atmosphere at work, making it a better place for everyone involved.

How has GrowthMentor helped you?

GrowthMentor has made me a better manager and taught me a lot about marketing. Now, I feel more confident and know how to do things better at work.

What three adjectives would you use to describe GrowthMentor?

Helpful, positive, and smart.

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Chirag Kumar Fri, 01 Mar 2024 11:23:58 +0000 "GrowthMentor supports every facet of my startup, from growth and technical aspects to sales."

The post Chirag Kumar appeared first on GrowthMentor.

Tell us something about yourself and what you are currently working on.

I’m the solo founder of Heartbeat Energy, a new SAAS company. We’re working on a tool to help UK homes and businesses lower their energy bills.

I talk to business managers and homeowners about how we can support them, especially those using renewable energy. Our goal is to make saving energy easy and practical for everyone.

Before you learned about GrowthMentor, how did you deal with the challenges you faced?

I actually looked up quite a few websites that could possibly offer the same things as Growth Mentor but it was wildly expensive per person and I didn’t know if the quality for such a high price was worth it.

Now I have the option of speaking to loads of them before actually considering if I would like to have a second conversation.

What ultimately compelled you to sign up for GrowthMentor?

The platform’s user-friendly interface and the cost-effective model of not charging per person were key factors. It supports every facet of my startup, from growth and technical aspects to sales.

Gaining insight and perspective is invaluable – conversing with experts in the industry or domain offers a broader view, highlighting strategies that have been successful for them, which could potentially be adapted for my own use.

What’s your favorite thing about GrowthMentor?

The diverse network of industry experts available.

What topics have you mostly discussed with mentors?

Ideation, sales strategies, expressing frustrations, insights into Y Combinator (YC), and Techstars experiences.

Swatantra Kumar shared valuable personal experiences from YC, discussing what strategies were successful for them and how these approaches could be adapted to secure a spot in YC in the foreseeable future.

Based on the things you’ve discussed in calls, do you have any results to tell us about?

GĂĽnter Richter and Amale Ghalbouni were instrumental in my acceptance into the Ignite Pre-Accelerator Startup Program. Also, Swatantra Kumar encouraged me to apply for Y Combinator (YC) this year.

How has GrowthMentor helped you?

GrowthMentor has been pivotal in fostering connections that are a significant reason my startup exists today. Its support and network have been crucial in turning the initial idea into a reality, providing the foundation and encouragement needed during the early stages of my venture.

What three adjectives would you use to describe GrowthMentor?

Focused conversations with the right people.

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Maria Ledentsova Tue, 20 Feb 2024 12:40:47 +0000 "Having access to expert mentors on-demand has been mind blowing!"

The post Maria Ledentsova appeared first on GrowthMentor.

Tell us something about yourself and what you are currently working on.

As the first marketing hire at Magic Design, a subscription-based graphic design and Webflow development service for ambitious startups, I’m responsible for crafting impactful marketing strategies to fuel our growth. With a Master’s from Trinity College Dublin in Digital Marketing Strategy and experience working at startups like Enote and ArtNight, I am passionate about spreading Magic Design’s mission of empowering businesses with great design.

Beyond my full-time role, I channel my creativity into building Notion templates and creating educational content for those interested in productivity and career development in the Marketing field, as I’m on this journey myself, too.

Before you learned about GrowthMentor, how did you deal with the challenges you faced?

Before I discovered Growth Mentor, I tackled marketing challenges primarily through informal network advice, especially leveraging connections from my Master’s. I was aware of the limitations of this approach, of course. My connections don’t have specific expertise and background knowledge about our unique business model and context, lacked the time to help me deal with more complex challenges, or simply weren’t familiar with my specific needs.

This inevitably led to me relying heavily on Google, which while helpful, lacked the two-way communication I truly craved. Also, the issue with “googling things” is that there are hundreds of opposing opinions, which can lead to decision fatigue and a lot of frustration, in my experience.

I started yearning for a team of experts to brainstorm and discuss marketing topics with, and to consult, when I’m stuck or lack experience in a specific sub-area of marketing (like affiliate marketing or growth hacking, for example).

I work with the co-founders directly and strive to do my best work every day, which is how I also recognized the need to find a way to further develop and expand on my practical marketing skills regularly. So, I was hoping that there would be a platform that could help me do it in a better way than googling, guessing, and asking my connections.

What ultimately compelled you to sign up for GrowthMentor?

Without a marketing team, it’s sometimes overwhelming to make so many decisions, from what the website architecture should look like to the setup of our ad accounts. Also, sometimes you just need to talk through your challenges and mental blockers with people who would understand what you’re doing and who have been there before.

I love brainstorming, and getting feedback so that I can improve my skills, and I think I learn best when someone explains and shows me how to solve a specific issue, and not when I google or do online courses. It’s the practical aspect of facing a challenge, and being able to get help for this specific issue that made me want to give GrowthMentor a go. Sounded like a game-changer.

What’s your favorite thing about GrowthMentor?

I love that GrowthMentor can connect me with so many different marketers and founders! Talking to people from all over the world, working in B2B and B2C, is so motivating and gives me hundreds of fresh ideas. I am able to find experts in any field, like Facebook Ads, Google Analytics, or even Copywriting and more. Whatever problem I have, there’s a friendly and incredibly helpful mentor ready to help. It’s such a privilege that I will never take for granted!!

What topics have you mostly discussed with mentors?

Prioritization of marketing tactics as a one-person marketer, Facebook Ad Account Setup and Strategy, Lead Generation, setting up a marketing budget and tools that can help, Digital Marketing Strategy, Google Ads Strategy, LinkedIn Ads best practices, KPI tracking, Google Analytics, Targeting.

Is there a specific session/mentor that stands out in your mind as super helpful?

I really enjoyed every single session I had until now. But if I had to highlight one, I have to say that the session with Daniel Choi really stood out to me. He guided me through my Google Ads strategy, pinpointing campaigns to prioritize and sharing valuable tips to lower CPC. His insights on LinkedIn Ads and future strategies for Magic Design were gold. Plus, after the sessions, he sent me lots of resources I can refer to.

I’m looking forward to booking a follow-up session to get his thoughts on other topics. Daniel is just very inspiring and motivating, someone I can strive to be more like as a Marketer while I progress in my career: strategic, knowledgeable, genuinely excited about helping others grow, and supportive.

Based on the things you’ve discussed in calls, do you have any results to tell us about?

I revamped our Facebook Ads strategy and ad account setup after my meeting with Minas Iatrou, implementing testing and scaling campaigns and learning best practices for A/B testing. I discovered I was conducting incorrect A/B testing in Meta Ads, leading to inefficient spending. With my new knowledge, I’m saving hundreds of euros on future tests.

And as if it wasn’t enough, I also validated my SEO-friendly website architecture draft for our website revamp and enjoyed learning about having a separate approach for targeting Marketing Qualified Leads (MQLs) compared to Sales Qualified Leads (SQLs) – this was such a lightbulb moment for me, coming from B2C marketing where this way of thinking isn’t as common.

GrowthMentor has empowered me to be a more confident and strategic marketer, which led to improved campaigns, cost savings, and invaluable knowledge. I’ll be the first to say that I have lots more to learn, and I’m looking forward to this rollercoaster!

How has GrowthMentor helped you?

I definitely noticed an increase in motivation and confidence in myself as a young marketer. Now I feel like there is no limit to what I can achieve, because I’m getting the support that I need, and I’m learning from inspiring marketers every week! I basically get access to incredible consultants who are supportive, knowledgeable, and helpful and feel less overwhelmed knowing I can book a call to get my priorities in order again and get advice on specific tasks and channels.

What three adjectives would you use to describe GrowthMentor?

Empowering, Motivating, Revolutionary.

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Giovanni Vanini Mon, 12 Feb 2024 11:51:26 +0000 "Unleashing my potential, one mentorship at a time!"

The post Giovanni Vanini appeared first on GrowthMentor.

Tell us something about yourself and what you are currently working on.

An experienced professional now launching a blockchain startup, driven by innovation.

I am currently leading a venture specializing in blockchain and NFT solutions for SMEs, with a keen focus on creating digital passport products. These products are designed to offer a more streamlined and efficient identity verification process. The goal is to empower enterprises by providing them with the necessary tools and knowledge to leverage blockchain technology to overcome traditional business challenges, thereby staying ahead in their respective industries.

Before you learned about GrowthMentor, how did you deal with the challenges you faced?

Before discovering GrowthMentor, I tackled challenges by diving into a mix of YouTube. videos, online courses, and participating in various physical meetings related to my field. This approach allowed me to gather insights and solutions from a broad spectrum of sources, although it often required sifting through a considerable amount of information to find actionable advice tailored to my specific needs

What ultimately compelled you to sign up for GrowthMentor?

The real driving force behind my decision to sign up for GrowthMentor was the access it provided to a range of mentors with deep expertise in verticals where I lacked knowledge. Their wealth of experience in areas I’m unfamiliar with seemed invaluable for addressing the specific challenges my daily activity faces, particularly in navigating the complexities of SaaS for SMEs. This opportunity to learn from seasoned professionals in specialized fields was the key factor that convinced me to join, anticipating it would significantly enhance my strategy and execution in areas outside my current expertise.

What’s your favorite thing about GrowthMentor?

My favorite aspect of GrowthMentor is the unparalleled opportunity to directly engage with industry experts who offer actionable insights and personalized advice tailored to my specific challenges. The ability to connect with mentors who not only understand the nuances of my specific markets but also possess a deep understanding of applying these in the SME context has been transformative for my project’s development.

What topics have you mostly discussed with mentors?

Sales process, communication, SEO management.

Is there a specific session/mentor that stands out in your mind as super helpful?

First of all, I would say that all the sessions have been really great and key to my learning path. Looking for a specific mentor, Mark Colgan is simply the best I could find for my outreach process!

Based on the things you’ve discussed in calls, do you have any results to tell us about?

The mentorship on GrowthMentor led to streamlined sales, improved communication, and better SEO. I have refined the sales approach, enhancing client acquisition and conversion rates. Improved communication boosted the way people perceived my product. Applied SEO strategies increased the website’s visibility and traffic significantly. These changes positively impacted the business efficiency, engagement, and online presence.

How has GrowthMentor helped you?

GrowthMentor significantly enhanced my professional skills and personal growth. It refined my startup’s strategy, improving product development and market presence. Mentors boosted my confidence and leadership, teaching resilience and a growth mindset. This experience improved my problem-solving skills, making me a better leader and innovator.

What three adjectives would you use to describe GrowthMentor?

Insightful, empowering, transformative.

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Giovanni Baraldi Tue, 09 Jan 2024 09:46:42 +0000 "In GrowthMentor you will find the opportunity and knowledge you are looking for."

The post Giovanni Baraldi appeared first on GrowthMentor.

Tell us something about yourself and what you are currently working on.

I’m an energetic and proactive person, always curious and happy to meet new people and learn from them.

I currently work at UNGUESS as a growth manager. Thanks to our crowd, we help both companies and users to have highly efficient and usable digital products.

Before you learned about GrowthMentor, how did you deal with the challenges you faced?

Before knowing GrowthMentor I attended many courses, blogs, webinars, and offline events. Networking also had been a good source of knowledge which allowed me to acquire solutions from others’ past experiences.

What ultimately compelled you to sign up for GrowthMentor?

One of the benefits I desired most is the great community growth mentor has. I see it as an incredible and valuable asset. The possibility of talking with so many professionals, with a deep experience in the fields I’m walking in, convinced me to apply.

Moreover, I’d like to create an Italian community within GrowthMentor.

I immediately started to talk with professionals asking how they managed testing and growth in their company to create concrete value for it. I talked about ads, SEO, funnel, and experimentation process. All aspects that I’m improving in UNGUESS.

What’s your favorite thing about GrowthMentor?

As I mentioned before, it’s the community that is a great asset. I believe that many opportunities and connections beneficial for each member may arise from Growth Mentor.

What topics have you mostly discussed with mentors?

I have discussed a lot about running ads (both LinkedIn and Google), leading a proper experimentation process, and improving SEO.

I want to highlight the precious help of Jason Barbato, Daniel Choi, and a great discovery is Jose Moreno. I appreciate their help and I’m happy to consider them mentors and talk with them.

Based on the things you’ve discussed in calls, do you have any results to tell us about?

The key learnings I’ve adopted and am working on include an improved experimentation process, as well as enhancements to both Google Ads and LinkedIn Ads.

How has GrowthMentor helped you?

GrowthMentor is helping my career, and it allows me to meet and talk with new professionals every day.

What three adjectives would you use to describe GrowthMentor?

Insightful, indispensable, and valuable.

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Jorrit Baerends Mon, 04 Dec 2023 07:46:52 +0000 "I use GrowthMentor as a friendly expert on standby."

The post Jorrit Baerends appeared first on GrowthMentor.

Tell us about what you are currently working on.

I’m the founder of Adpiler, leading our team in providing creative agencies with a seamless platform for efficient ad sharing and approval.

Currently, I’m deeply immersed in advancing Adpiler, our SaaS company, where I wear multiple hats as the founder. My primary focus is enhancing our platform to further simplify ad sharing and approval processes for creative agencies, including HTML5 ads and social ad mockups. This involves collaborating closely with our development team, engaging with our user community, and driving marketing initiatives to reach new audiences and continuously improve our product. Additionally, I’m exploring innovative growth strategies and refining our customer support to ensure Adpiler remains a valuable asset to creative professionals worldwide.

Before you learned about GrowthMentor, how did you deal with the challenges you faced?

Prior to finding GrowthMentor, I tackled the challenges I faced with Adpiler by relying on my network, blogs, and participation in online forums and communities. While these resources offered helpful information, GrowthMentor’s one-on-one guidance has proven to be a game-changer, providing tailored solutions to address my specific business challenges more directly and efficiently.

What ultimately compelled you to sign up for GrowthMentor?

I joined GrowthMentor because I saw it as an invaluable resource—a place where experts are always available to spar with. It’s a solution to the challenges I face in my role as a founder, providing access to valuable insights and guidance that can drive growth and overcome obstacles efficiently.

What’s your favorite thing about GrowthMentor?

My favorite thing about GrowthMentor is the opportunity to connect with knowledgeable, friendly, and interesting individuals who can provide valuable insights and perspectives. It’s a platform that fosters meaningful connections and learning from others in the entrepreneurial and growth space.

What topics have you mostly discussed with mentors?

Scaling up, marketing, onboarding.

Based on the things you’ve discussed in calls, do you have any results to tell us about?

Based on our discussions with mentors, I decided to extend our product portfolio with social ad mockups. We started Adpiler with a focus on HTML5 ads, but now we have a wider approach to any possible ad.

How has GrowthMentor helped you?

GrowthMentor has had a positive impact on my professional life. It has helped me overcome challenges in scaling my SaaS business, Adpiler, by offering practical advice and new perspectives. It’s been a valuable resource for growth and improvement.

What three adjectives would you use to describe GrowthMentor?

Informative, Accessible, Supportive.

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Georgi Todorov Fri, 24 Nov 2023 15:21:44 +0000 "GrowthMentor is the place to get ideas from different people and pick brains on anything you need."

The post Georgi Todorov appeared first on GrowthMentor.

Tell us about what you are currently working on.

I’m Georgi Todorov a self-taught entrepreneur and content creator with authorship in a broad range of publications. I founded ‘Create & Grow’ to help people create and grow their online business.

At the moment I’m working on my new website Create & Grow which helps people create and grow their online business. A place where I will show first-hand experiences and I will teach strategies that work.

Before you learned about GrowthMentor, how did you deal with the challenges you faced?

I leveraged my personal network and sought advice from private communities like Traffic Think Tank, as well as public platforms like LinkedIn. This approach yielded a mix of valuable insights and, at times, no responses.

What ultimately compelled you to sign up for GrowthMentor?

I appreciated the ability to book consultations with various mentors, evaluating their experience and expertise to determine a good fit. Also, the reasonable price of $150 seemed like a great value for the service.

What’s your favorite thing about GrowthMentor?

For $150 a month, gaining access to all experts and the ability to book multiple calls a week offers great value. This is especially notable considering the cost of approaching these specialists outside the platform, which can be $150 per call.

What topics have you mostly discussed with mentors?

We have spoken about how to use AI in the content creation process. How to create the highest possible content quality using different AI tools and prompts in the process.

At the moment I am working on my content creation process and those tips were quite valuable! Especially the consultation with Tim Cakir who is mastering Chat GPT.

I had questions about how to create my unique writing voice and the consultation with Ben Hayes was super helpful! He also gave me some great tips about thinking about the brand concept.

And of course 30 minutes with Foti, the founder of the platform – he threw a few value bombs about how to future-proof the concept and how to differentiate your brand.

Is there a specific session/mentor that stands out in your mind as super helpful?

I found Tim Cakir’s advice exceptionally practical. He shared his screen to demonstrate his use of ChatGPT, providing hands-on guidance on maximizing the platform’s potential.

Based on the things you’ve discussed in calls, do you have any results to tell us about?

I nearly completed my content creation process with Ben Hayes’ support. He grasped the writing style I aimed for my new website and provided references to authors with a similar style for inspiration.

How has GrowthMentor helped you?

GrowthMentor played a crucial role in clarifying my brand vision. It’s excellent for gathering ideas from diverse individuals and brainstorming collaboratively, sharing experiences. The variety of perspectives, opinions, and questions posed significantly enhanced my clarity.

What three adjectives would you use to describe GrowthMentor?

Helpful, valuable, affordable.

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Russell Greenhill Thu, 23 Nov 2023 13:02:43 +0000 "Turns out I am an entrepreneur and there are people who want to help."

The post Russell Greenhill appeared first on GrowthMentor.

Tell us about what you are currently working on.

I am the founder of a bootstrapping tutoring business.

Greenhill Academics is a tutoring business that focuses on working with exceptional tutors from the top universities in the world. Currently, 80% come from Oxford and Cambridge University.

We offer tuition services to a wide age range of students—the youngest currently is 10 and the oldest is 30. What is great about having good tutors is the services offered can be varied because the competence of the tutors is very high.

We currently have 15 tutors tutoring subjects ranging from 11+ admissions tests to St Paul’s School to advanced Financial Econometrics at the Master’s level.

My job is currently a bit of everything as I’m the only full-time employee—it’s a massive learning curve. My work is split between business development and tutoring.

Before you learned about GrowthMentor, how did you deal with the challenges you faced?

Before GM, I was working with a mentor who went to the Oxford Said Business School with me. He has a consulting background with expertise in larger businesses. Working through him, I knew the exceptional value a mentor could bring as he had given me some invaluable advice, particularly on the differentiation of the tutoring services offered when presenting them on my website and social media. I learned that there was so much I didn’t yet know and I began a mission to soak up as much business knowledge as possible. At the same time, my challenges developed such that I was facing very specific blockers and I felt that a different view was needed to accelerate the business growth.

What ultimately compelled you to sign up for GrowthMentor?

The value that it provided far exceeded the cost. The cost-benefit was a no-brainer.

The benefit:
1) There are founders of successful businesses and business coaches willing to meet you, talk to you non-judgementally, and offer valuable advice.
2) You gain access to a community that is by definition highly ambitious and has extremely positive energy.
3) You get constant access to people who have faced similar problems. You get to shortcut your growth by finding out what you don’t know from people who have trodden a similar path.

The cost

What’s your favorite thing about GrowthMentor?

GM has a diverse range of mentors who have different expertise that could be valuable to your business. If you don’t know how to market your product through email, there is a mentor who does this. What about PPC Google Ads? There’s someone for that too. What about the SEO of your website… you bet, there is someone on hand to answer all these questions.

What topics have you mostly discussed with mentors?

I originally came seeking advice on marketing as I had no idea how to do it. However, after an overview of the marketing channels that were available, I completely pivoted to networking in the industry and providing services to other tutoring agencies, which has been a great source of growth.

After this growth, I’ve worked on how to hire tutors and build onboarding processes. I also worked in one session to build a work prioritization framework to help me use my time more efficiently. The sessions are sometimes good to get good business reading material.

Is there a specific session/mentor that stands out in your mind as super helpful?

Kevin Veitia has been an invaluable help in my progress.

I originally called him as he had a fantastic profile for marketing, however, I really resonated with his suggestions of talking to more people in the industry and acting with the long-term view in mind. For example, I was in correspondence with a school in Canterbury that had a student suffering from Long Covid symptoms and went through extended periods of absence. I was able to make a difference to this student by giving heavily discounted tuition.

Kevin has also made some great suggestions for expanding to different countries and new reading content on marketing.

Based on the things you’ve discussed in calls, do you have any results to tell us about?

Since using GM, the business has really found traction, which is exciting and validating.

The challenge that I faced at the beginning was to shift from a freelance tutor to getting other people tutoring work. The changes in my strategy suggested by my mentors have allowed me to go from being a freelance tutor to getting work for 15 tutors. This all started from an ambition to meet the demand from parents to get top-quality education and provide work to highly skilled academics.

I can say with confidence now that Greenhill Academics is moving in the right direction with this.

How has GrowthMentor helped you?

GM has given me access to the start-up community in London, which is fantastic. I feel like I belong in the start-up world and that I can actually call myself and entrepreneur without sounding crazy.

I’ve also adapted my life the accommodate the newfound freedom. For example, my organization and prioritization have improved drastically and I’m much more efficient in the way I work. This has mainly come from reading Getting Things Done by David Allen (a suggested book by Kevin).

What three adjectives would you use to describe GrowthMentor?

Supportive, giving, knowledgeable.

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Brandon Horvatić Fri, 10 Nov 2023 12:04:47 +0000 "Growth Mentor has played a massive role in my agencies growth. It truly is a shortcut to business success."

The post Brandon Horvatić appeared first on GrowthMentor.

Tell us about what you are currently working on.

I am the co-founder of Yes Chef Studio, and I am in charge of marketing.

Right now I’m working on the marketing efforts for Yes Chef. We work with small to medium SaaS companies to design, develop, and optimize their websites (through a/b testing, heat maps, and other things) in order to help them grow increasingly faster than they would with a site that isn’t performing well.

A lot of my time lately has been spent connecting with Saas founders to learn more about how they view their websites, common pitfalls they face, and ways that we can interject our knowledge to help them get to the next level.

Before you learned about GrowthMentor, how did you deal with the challenges you faced?

At first, I’d turn to blogs, courses, communities, and LinkedIn looking for answers to things I was struggling with. These worked in answering my general questions, but everyone has a unique situation so it often takes a deeper understanding to get to the root of the problem. That resulted in a majority of my time spent figuring out how to apply these answers to my unique situations.

I then hired a coach who was awesome but specialized in sales. So any sales questions I had he was great at answering, but when it came to topics he wasn’t an expert in, I was still resorting to my first method. For comparison, the coach was $850 a month which is roughly what Growth Mentor costs each of our team members for a year!

What ultimately compelled you to sign up for GrowthMentor?

After working with a coach who was an expert in sales and seeing such good results, I found out about Growth Mentor and became super curious.

The thing that really convinced me was realizing that if I could get such good results working with ONE person in ONE area of my agency, what kind of compounded results could I get having access to 600+ mentors with expertise in practically every area of my agency?

What’s your favorite thing about GrowthMentor?

My absolute favorite thing is the access to soooo many interesting people, at literally a button push away (and a meeting request). Having access to genuine experts who can help me understand my challenges and walk me through how to solve them is truly a game changer.

On top of that, having access to these experts and getting on a call within a few days literally helps me solve challenges within 1-2 weeks of them arising – all from one 30-minute call and actionable advice!

What topics have you mostly discussed with mentors?

Social media, conversion rate optimization, and email marketing.

Is there a specific session/mentor that stands out in your mind as super helpful?

I can truly say every call I had so far has given me value in one way or another. However, there are two calls that definitely stand out.

The first was with Barbara Stewart. She is an absolute genius when it comes to marketing and thinking outside the box. My call request was to just chat about some marketing ideas, and I left there with a whole list of things to do, and even brilliant ideas on upselling my services which wasn’t even on the agenda!

The second was with Christoph Schachner who came to our 30-minute call with a 3-page Google Doc, and even though we tried to go through it as fast as reasonably possible, the call was almost an hour of just knowledge bombs. From it, I got a whole plan on getting leads which has been yielding results and it’s only been a few weeks since implementing it.

A few other standout calls include Jacob Brain – who melted my brain with advice on pricing strategy, Sardar Azimov – who is the real email marketing wizard and Kuba Rdzak who gave me a positioning masterclass that I believe should be a TED Talk.

Based on the things you’ve discussed in calls, do you have any results to tell us about?

Growth Mentor has helped my agency with:

1. Positioning our brand to better attract and speak to our ideal customers
2. Package up our offer and price it a lot better than we previously did
3. Set up our whole email marketing campaign, from gathering leads all the way to our email sequence
4. Create a social media strategy that’s consistent and targeted to our ideal customers
5. Restructure our whole website to be more direct, informative and convert better

And that’s to name a few! Having this much knowledge at my fingertips honestly feels like a business growth hack.

How has GrowthMentor helped you?

Funny enough, Growth Mentor has increased my confidence and lowered my stress levels. No one likes uncertainty, especially when you’re devoting tens or hundreds of hours to a project for your business or a client, and you’re unsure if you’re spending time on the right things.

With one 30-minute call, I can have a roadmap of exactly what I need to do. As well as what’s important, and what’s not important, and if I hit a brick wall along the way, I just book another call. It’s truly life (and business) changing.

What three adjectives would you use to describe GrowthMentor?

Empowering, resourceful, and transformative.

The post Brandon Horvatić appeared first on GrowthMentor.

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